

Der hl. Paulus leidet für die Kirche: „Ihr Diener bin ich geworden“

Heutige liturgische Lesung der kath. Kirche: Kol 1,24-29.2:

Ich freue mich in den Leiden, die ich für euch ertrage. Ich ergänze in meinem irdischen Leben, was an den Bedrängnissen Christi noch fehlt an seinem Leib, der Kirche. Ihr Diener bin ich geworden gemäß dem Heilsplan Gottes, um an euch das Wort Gottes zu erfüllen.
Er ist jenes Geheimnis, das seit ewigen Zeiten und Generationen verborgen war – jetzt aber seinen Heiligen offenbart wurde.
Ihnen wollte Gott kundtun, was der Reichtum der Herrlichkeit dieses Geheimnisses unter den Völkern ist: Christus ist unter euch, die Hoffnung auf Herrlichkeit. Ihn verkünden wir; wir ermahnen jeden Menschen und belehren jeden Menschen in aller Weisheit, damit wir jeden Menschen vollkommen darstellen in Christus.


2 Antworten

  1. Öffentliches Gebet für die Kirche in Rom am 5. Oktober 2019, am Vorabend der Amazonassynode

    , 1) that the sexual and financial scandals that disfigure the face of the Church stop, and that the clergy who are involved in these scandals not be promoted to leadership positions but, on the contrary, be removed and invited to repentance;

    2) that the depositum fidei [deposit of faith] — of which no one in Christ’s Church, not even the Pope, is master —not be adulterated;

    3) that religious families, bishops, priests, and professors who are faithful to Christ and the Church no longer be taken over [commissariati], persecuted, or dismissed without concrete and verified accusations, for the sole reason of their attachment to the “faith of all time”;

    4) that the Church’s hierarchy be courageous in preaching the Gospel and hold up her saints as an example to the faithful —not those who have divided and lacerated the Church (like the monk Martin Luther, in times past), or those who fight against life on a daily basis by supporting abortion, free drugs, and euthanasia … (like Emma Bonino, in times present);

    5) that the priority of those who lead the Church be to proclaim the faith in Jesus Christ the Savior, leaving to “Caesar what is Caesar’s,” and that they avoid acting like sociologists, political scientists, climatologists… and “logists” of every kind;

    6) that the men of the Church cease not to proclaim the “non-negotiable principles,” in particular the defense of life and the family, and that they come to terms with the culture of death and gender ideology;

    7) that love for Creation no longer be confused with pagan and pantheistic ecology, nor the “mercy” of God with moral relativism and religious indifferentism;

    8) that we listen to the cry coming from the African church (“May the West not deceive our young people with false myths and false promises!”) and the churches of Eastern Europe which repeat, with John Paul II, that “one’s country is also a mother for each person, in a very true way” and that the “defense of one’s own identity” has nothing to do with nationalism or other aberrations;

    9) that Chinese Catholics not be sacrificed to the Communist dictatorial regime in the name of impossible and unjust agreements, as Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun has repeatedly denounced;

    10) that persecuted Christians throughout the world, who face torture and death for the sake of Christ, no longer hear from Rome that Allah and Jesus Christ are the “same God.”

    1. Siehe auch den Kirchfahrter Archangelus und seinen Internetauftritt mit interessanten Artikeln zur Thematik. Und den Orientalisten Hans-Peter Raddatz und seine Bücher usw.
      Und den Theologen und Journalisten und Philosophen David Berger mit seinem Weblog.

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